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How to Choose the Right Waterjet Abrasive Garnet for Your Cutting Needs?

Waterjet Abrasive Garnet Products

How to choose the right waterjet abrasive garnet for your cutting need?

  1. You need to understand your cutting material and consider the hardness, density and also the thickness of the material you will be cutting with the waterjet machine.

  2. The particle size: the size of the abrasive garnet particles will affect the cutting speed and accuracy. Finer particles are suitable for precision cutting, while coarser particles are better for faster cutting. With almost 15 years of waterjet machine, we recommend the waterjet users who use the machine to cut marble/stone/granite etc. choose the 80 mesh waterjet abrasives. This specification of abrasive has been tested in cutting experiments by many customers, proving that the cutting speed and the smoothness of the cutting surface are optimal.


  3. If you want to cut glass products and get a smoother cutting surface, we are still more inclined to waterjet abrasive garnet of 120mesh.


  4. Choose a high-quality garnet that is free of impurities and has a consistent particle size for optimal cutting performance

  5. Cost efficiency: Consider the cost of the abrasive garnet and calculate the overall cutting cost to determine the most cost-effective option for your cutting needs. We have a cost calculation for an average day's work of an abrasive waterjet cutting machine. If you need it, please leave us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.

  6. Consult with experts: seek advice from waterjet cutting professionals or garnet suppliers to help you to choose the right abrasive garnet for your specific cutting needs.




Contact: Sunny Lee

Phone: +86 18640550523

Tel: +86 17642028689

Email: info@waterjetsupplier.com

Add: Pacific Industrial City 67-32, Shenbei Dist, Shenyang, Liaoning 110001. P. R. China

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